
Showing posts from September, 2017
Comparison of ‘Soft’ and ‘Wasp’ Both of the writers/ directors of these short films use their work as a way to present the theme of family, love, and how the class system may have an impact on the decision making skills of people, when faced with a dilemma. The film ‘Soft’, written  and directed by Simon Ellis tells the story of a father and son who are being harassed by a group of local teenagers and how the dad is more scared of telling his son the truth about his fear than the actual teenagers themselves . Eventually the son gets tired of him and his dad being abused that he runs out of his house with a cricket bat and starts beating the ringleader of the group with it. The film mainly focuses on how generational differences can have an effect on the relationship between a parent and a child. This film also focuses on the issue of social class, gender and the battle with one’s inner self. The film can be compared to ‘Wasp’, another short film, which was produce in 2003, w...
Analysis and comparison of ‘Ralph’ and ‘Get off my land’  The short film Ralph, which was produced in 2008 tells the story of 16-year-old boy who travels to Marseilles to see his best friend Clare to declare his love for her. Through this short movie, Alex Winkler explores the themes of love, isolation, rejection, power and redemption. This movie can be compared and contrasted with the short film ‘get off my land’, a story about a couple that are shot for supposedly trespassing on a man’s land, due to the similarities in the way they were film and the differences in the production and the themes that run through both of them. The initial shot of both movies help to put the surroundings of the character into context and are both used as a way of foreshadowing the themes are going to occur in the movie. The first shot that we see in the film Ralph is a young boy stepping of a train my himself. The first shot is in this film is a wide shot, which show that as the boy is getting o...
Get Out Film Review Get Out is an American horror movie which was written, directed and co-produced by John Peele. This movie tells the story of how an African-American male is taken to the house of his white girlfriend’s parents and the problems that occur while he is there. As well as being very engaging with a lot of action and excitement, John Peele aims to create a movie that addresses deep rotted social issues that affect American society; the main idea that John Peele is trying convey in this movie is the idea that even though slavery was abolished in 1864 in the USA, many black people in America are still trapped in a system where they cannot get out. In the first scene (to be more specific the very first shot) we see can see a long dark road, but we are unable to see down the end of it. This straight away creates a sense of foreboding and suggests that even if the protagonist in the play overcomes his or her obstacles there is still a long way to go, for not only for him...