Fish Tank Production context Fish Tank is a 2009 British drama film written and directed by Andrea Arnold. The film is about Mia Williams, a volatile and socially isolated 15-year-old who lives with her single mother, Joanne. The mother's new boyfriend, Conor, becomes attracted to Mia and has sex with her. This film follows the life of Mia and shows not only what her obstacles are, but all her attempt to overcome them. This is the fifth film by the director Andrea Arnold; following Milk (1998), Dog(2001), Wasp (2003) and Red Road (2006). From all these films prior to fish tank Andrea Arnold not only managed to gain her work publicity, but also a number of awards including an Oscar for best live action short film. Fish Tank was funded by BBC Films and UK Film Council and was shot and set in Tilbury in Essex. Prior to this, Katie Jarvis, the actress that plays Mia had no previous acting experience and was in fact noticed ...